
With GenWealth our focus is to solve this problem by leveraging the programmability of the Cardano blockchain, and its high level of security to create what we call “self-custody vaults” that solve this issue while giving you all the power and benefits of self-custody. Our Dapp, allows you to have a self-custodial on-chain solution, without the need for intermediaries, to recover your crypto in case you lose the seedphrase, or to leave it to whoever you want according to your rules.

With our Dapp you can subdivide your crypto, and define beneficiaries, that will be able to recover those specific subdivisions of crypto assets you would like to leave for them. Your crypto is safe while you’re alive and none of your beneficiaries can spend it, or claim it, however, once you can no longer prove you are alive, your beneficiaries will be able to connect their wallets and claim their share according to the rules you’ve defined.

You can also set your own security system, that will allow you to recover your crypto in case you lose your seedphrase, following your own rules. Recovering Crypto and Passing Wealth to the Next Generation will no longer be a problem. With GenWealth you have an onchain and self-custodial solution for Crypto Recovery and Inheritance. Better than that, you will be able to have peace of mind and remove another concern you might have when investing in Crypto.

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